After all is said and done, regardless where you fall on the scale of Sensuality, Love, etc.., the most important road to harmony & happiness is that both parties are “at or near” the same levels. If not, as previously stated, one party or the other will always feel something is missing in the relationship, friendship, or marriage.
Of course there are always the external traits, behaviors, quirks, & disappointments we all have that could disrupt any relationship. With some emotional equality, while emotionally happy with our partners, we tend to overlook or lessen the importance of many potential problems. We find common ground, the “level of compatibility.” Without it, all the external disruptions can seethe and fester inside till one is fed up with the other. As previously stated, "What you don’t need, you don’t look for, nor do you give back what you receive." You can’t force someone to feel or do what they’re not comfortable doing.
I hope it has made the reader understand “Sensuality” (feelings, emotions, affection) better.
There are so few things in life we really have any control over. Worrying or concentrating on the unimportant things in life is a waste of everyone’s time. Spend your time dealing with the few things in life you really do have any control of…. put aside the larger group of thing you have no control at all.
Life is far too short!! Enjoy it the best you can without hurting your “Better Half.”